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Barrister Mortgages
Mortgages for Barristers are mortgages for barristers. Barrister mortgages are available to Barristers who are registered with the Bar Council and practising in the UK. Mortgages for Barristers is a specialist area at Capital Fortune.

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What are Mortgages for Barristers?
Barristers mortgages are mortgages for barristers. Barrister mortgages are available to Barristers who are registered with the Bar Council and practising in the UK. Mortgages for Barristers is a specialist area at Capital Fortune.
We understand the legal market. We particularly understand the remuneration structure of Barristers in private practice. Barristers requiring mortgages need to satisfy the mortgage lender that the loan is affordable, however, often Barristers need to rely upon their gross earnings receipts which can be significantly higher than net income.
The costs for chambers, travel, legal subscriptions and subsistence often reduce the net figure down to around 30- 40%. As a result, standard mortgage income multipliers applied to the net income of Barristers can be unfair, as they do not reflect a barrister’s true earnings capacity.
Renumeration Package
This coupled with the Barrister’s Aged Debt simply does not reflect either the earnings capacity or net asset worth of a trading Barrister. Mortgages for Barristers need to reflect the unique remuneration package received by barristers. Often a degree of diplomacy and negotiation is required when dealing with a Barristers internet mortgage application to a mortgage lender.
At Capital Fortune, we appreciate that ongoing trading costs are not immediate and Chambers rent is often paid on the previous quarter’s earnings not the current quarter. Other costs are incurred throughout the year and as a result, Barristers through their distinct method of trading have almost a rolling credit facility being operated which can justify a home mortgage lender to assess affordability on a gross earnings basis as opposed to a net income multiplier.

Q. C’s and High Court Judges
Capital Fortune deal with a significant number of Barrister’s including Q. C’s and High Court Judges many of whom are happy to provide testimonials to our service. We have made mortgages for barristers is a specialist area within the Company and as a Barrister obtaining a mortgage you will receive our premier service.

Save time and inconvenience
We understand the pressures of the profession and understand that when arranging a mortgage deal our Barrister clients want to be sure in the knowledge that their home mortgages UK – wide will not only save them money, but also save them time and inconvenience.

All Barristers as part of our Capital Fortune premier service can be dealt with over the telephone or visited at Chambers after Court. We will strive to take the difficulty and time element out of the mortgage application. We will obtain all the necessary documentation from you after our first discussion and will avoid cascading you with a range of further information during the internet mortgage application. We will contact you via email, text message or mobile telephone at convenient times agreed by you.
We will obtain the most suitable and affordable mortgage product using a home mortgage lender from our online mortgage service list of providers. We can also obtain our competitive mortgages specifically only offered to Barristers, which are not available on the High Street or through banks.
Once the mortgage has completed, subject to your approval, we can regularly review your mortgage and mortgage protection needs.
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Think carefully about securing other debts against your home. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or any other debts secured on it.
Commercial Mortgages and some forms of Part Commercial & Buy to Let mortgages are not regulated.

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